Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ikut sape lagi...

Ummi perasan yang Shahmey sangat suka tengok cermin. Kalau pakai cap, mesti nak tengok kat cermin. Baru-baru ni, Ummi pakaikan stoking sebab lantai sejuk. Part yang takde carpet tu memanglah sejuk sangat. Kesian Ummi kat Shahmey. Bila Ummi sarungkan stokin, tak menyempat-nyempat Shahmey nak tengok cermin. Siap angkat-angkat kaki lagi tu. Bila Ummi cakap kat Abah, Abah kata, ikut sape lagi kalau bukan Coan! Tapi, Kak Coan tu pandai tengok cermin bila dah besar ni je. Dulu tak lah pun. Shahmey ni kecik-kecik lagi dah pandai bercermin. Then Shahmey akan cakap "Tantekkk..". Hahaha!!!

Bila ambik gambar pun, dah pandai pose. Boleh pulak tu berdiri dan senyum. Tak susah dah nak ambik gambar Shahmey. Bila nampak Ummi pegang camera aje, Shahmey pun akan berdiri tegak. Kalau Ummi kata belakang sikit, Shahmey pun akan undur. Hehehe.. Tapi most of the time, mesti ada enterframe orang lain. Siapa lagi kalau tak Kakak dan Kak Coan tu... Then, bila Ummi dah snap gambar, Ummi akan tunjuk kat Shahmey. Bukan main happy lagi anak Ummi tengok gambar sendiri. Tapi bila Ummi tunjuk gambar (tak kiralah gambar apa pun), Shahmey mesti sebut "Kakak!!!" walaupun gambar tu gambar Shahmey sendiri.. hmmmmm... :))

Monday, December 15, 2008

A new blogger in town

This hero of Abah simply can't resist seeing nobody's using the laptop. Whenever the laptop was on and the chair was empty, he would crawl and sit on the chair. He knew we would never allow him to play around with the laptop. So, if he's caught, he would laugh really loud!

I guess, he wanna be a blogger - just like Ummi ;)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

After a year, six month and plus plus..

Many updates on him sampai Ummi pun tak sempat nak jot down. Hopefully Ummi doesn't forget to record every progress of yours my dear. I know you may wanna to view it when you get older.

Perhaps, you are curious about what you are able to perform by now. Let me list them down dear..

  1. Hold a glass by yourself

    Sudah semestinya Ummi hanya akan bagi cawan plastik untuk hero Ummi ni. Tak berani nak bagi gelas kaca. Bukan Ummi tak percaya tapi... memang Ummi tak percaya pun hehee.. So far, memang tak pernah lah Shahmey baling cawan tu tapi manalah tahu kan.. precautions is always better than cure you know! Selalu tu, Ummi akan pegang kan dulu tapi Shahmey.. biasalah, memang tak suka Ummi pegang. Nak juga pegang sendiri melainkan masa tu Ummi tengah dokong Shahmey. Then, its okay for Ummi to hold the cup for you.

  2. You can understand people's words (your parents and kakak-kakak)

    Shahmey tahu bila saja Ummi atau Abah cakap mengenai Shahmey. Selalunya, bila Ummi bagi arahan pada kakak untuk ambil something for you, Shahmey akan buat muka eager dan menunggu barang tu. Barang tu biasanya ball, cap, ataupun your books la. Walaupun tak reti membaca, Shahmey memang suka buku. Bagus hobi yang ni tapi tak bagus bila Shamey koyakkan kulit buku tu.. Grrrrr!!! Shahmey pun tahu bila Ummi cakap pada Abah yang Shahmey nak susu. Mesti Shahmey akan duduk nak buat muka menunggu cam tu :).

    Kadang-kadang Ummi mintak Shahmey ambilkan something. Shahmey sudah semestinya akan pergi kalau Shahmey tahu dimana tempatnya. Otherwise, Shahmey mungkin akan heret kakak, Ummi ataupun Abah untuk pergi ambil.

  3. Suka menari bila dengar lagu

    Yang ni Ummi tak boleh nak salahkan orang lain. Kakak-kakak yang selalu buat macam tu. Jadi, sebagai adik, Shahmey pun mengikut saja. Bila dengar aje muzik, kepala Shahmey pun bergoyang-goyanglah. Kalau masa tu Shahmey berdiri, akan berpusing-pusing lah hero Ummi ni :).

  4. Main remote

    Ini satu lagi favorite Shahmey. Bila nampak remote, Shahmey akan tekan button sebab Shahmey suka tengok orang marah Shahmey bila channel bertukar. Selalunya Shahmey suka sangat main remote tv. Bila tekan saja, takde channel langsung. Shahmey akan happy sakan. Sabar aje la...

  5. Kiss and salam

    Bila disuruh kiss, Shahmey akan kiss dengan buka mulut. Ummi okay aje tapi Abah.. hehee.. memang Abah akan lap muka dia sebab geli dengan saliva Shahmey tu ;). Bila suruh salam pun Shahmey pandai salam dan cium tangan lagi tu. Cuma yang tak tahan, bersekali dengan saliva la.. ;).

  6. Merajuk bila kena marah

    Ummi paling suka yang ni sebab Ummi kan suka menyakat dan tengok muka jebek anak Ummi ni. Setiap kali Ummi marah, Shahmey mesti buat muka sedih. Kadang-kadang mencebik. Kalau Ummi marah dan masa tu Abah ada dekat, Shahmey akan pergi peluk Abah. Tapi, kalau Abah takde disitu, Shahmey tunggu dulu sekejap dan akan pekapkan badan dan muka pada Ummi. How lovely! Kalau Ummi pukul sikit, Shahmey akan meraung dan peluk Abah atau Ummi. Kesian anak Ummi tapi Ummi suka hehee.. Perangai Shahmey yang ni memang sebijik ikut Kakak Coan!

  7. Very observant

    Shahmey cepat belajar sesuatu yang baik ataupun buruk. Bila Shahmey tengok Abah atau Ummi atau Kakak buat something yang Shahmey tak pernah buat, Shahmey akan observe. Lepas tu, Shahmey pun buat sama. Dulu, Shahmey tak pandai buka zip beg. Sekarang dah pandai. Beg toiletries tu Ummi dah tak boleh zip lagi sebab kalau zip pun, Shahmey dengan selambanya buka. Habis Shahmey keluarkan segala harta karun dalam tu...

  8. Kenal ring tone

    Yang ni Ummi tak berapa pasti tapi bila Ummi dengarkan Shahmey dengan ring tone di handphone, ada ring tone yang membuatkan Shahmey letakkan handphone ke telinga Shahmey. Selalunya ring tone Abah lah.

  9. Panjat dan turun

    Kalau nak ambil sesuatu, Shahmey memang dah terer untuk memikirkan cara mengambilnya - samada guna kerusi ataupun apa-apa yang boleh dipanjat. Nak turun pun macam tu. Kalau nak turun katil dan Ummi ada atas katil, Shahmey akan merengek sambil pegang tangan Ummi dan guna tangan Ummi jadi tali untuk turun. Ewah!! bijak sungguh dia ya...

  10. Kenal food yang Shahmey suka dan tak suka

    Nak bagi makan pada Shahmey memang susah sikit sebab Shahmey tak akan makan food yang tak biasa Shahmey makan. Kalau potato fries memang takde masalah sebab Shahmey memang suka. Kalau chips pun okay. Tapi, kalau benda lain, Shahmey biasanya akan rasa sikit dengan lidah. Kalau sedap atau memenuhi citarasa, Shahmey makan. Kalau tidak, Shahmey akan buang. Ubat pun macam tu. Ada ubat yang Shahmey suka dan ada yang tak. Kalau Ummi paksa makan ubat tu, tunggulah Shahmey akan sembur balik ubat tu. Aduiii...

  11. Tahu tempat tidur sendiri

    Tempat tidur Shahmey ialah disebelah kiri katil. Ummi dah letak comforter lain untuk alas dan bantal kecil. Bila naik katil, Shahmey akan terus ke tempat Shahmey. Memang tak akan Shahmey tidur tempat Ummi atau Abah. Yang ni Ummi rasa kesian sikit sebab tak lama lagi mungkin adik Shahmey pula akan ambil tempat tu. Manalah anak Ummi nak tidur pulak kan. Dengan kakak kakak lah kot. Kesian dia...

  12. Tahu apa yang akan buat orang marah

    Kalau Shahmey nak buat something yang Shahmey rasa orang tak suka, Shahmey akan berdiri dan senyum pada sesiapa yang ada disitu. Contohnya, kalau Shahmey nak ambil camera dan Shahmey memang tahu sangat Ummi atau Abah tak akan bagi Shahmey main camera. Shahmey akan senyum dan berdiri dulu. Bila Shahmey tengok Ummi jerit, Shahmey mesti jerit dan ketawa. Kiranya, dah berjaya kenakan Ummi la tu. Takpe.. ada ubi ada batas tau.. :)

Rasanya itu sahaja yang dapat Ummi ingat setakat ni. Kalau ada lagi, lain kali Ummi letak di entry lain pulak. By the way, setakat hari ni, dah banyak words yang Shahmey sebut.. Selain dari words yang Ummi pernah tulis sebelum ni, Shahmey juga pandai sebut:

  1. Kkak - Bukak

  2. Mmi - Ummi (dulu tak selalu. Sekarang dah kerap)

  3. Book - Book la.. :)

  4. Ball - ball (Shahmey ada ball baru dan murah yang Abah beli ;))

  5. Kal - basikal (Shahmey ada basikal baru. Abah beli dalam 3 minggu yang lepas. Sayangnya kaki tak sampai. Kena tunggu ada driver baru Shahmey bergerak :))

Words lain seperti di entry-entry sebelum ni lah. Tak larat Ummi nak tulis semua. Kita lihat aksi-aksi Shahmey yang baru :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dah pandai mimicking.. :)

Ibu mana yang tak bangga bila anak kecil yang baru pandai bercakap panggil dirinya.. Ummi suka sangat bila Shahmey panggil "Mmi... mmi.." setiap kali Shahmey nak Ummi ambil Shahmey.

Jeles sebenarnya sebab dah lama Ummi dengar Shahmey asyik panggil "Abah" je. Tak pelat pulak tu. Tapi tak pernah panggil Ummi. Cuma lately aje. Happy sangat rasanya. Lagi best bila Ummi cakap something, Shahmey pun mimick.

Tadi, Ummi panggil bibik yang namanya Siti. Shahmey pun ikut "Ti.. Ti.." hehehe.. lawak pulak. Apa yang Ummi atau Abah sebut, Shahmey sure akan ikut. Kalau tak dapat penuh, syllable yang last tu mesti Shahmey ikut. Kira okaylah tu kan.

Ummi pun suka usik Shahmey everytime Shahmey lepak dibilik Ummi. Memang lately, Shahmey banyak habiskan masa dengan bibik sebab Ummi tak larat dan melayan kerenah Shahmey yang asyik mintak dokong. Manalah Ummi larat. Perut Ummi ni pun tak larat Ummi nak bawak. Ini pulak nak dokong Shahmey hampir sepanjang masa. Jadi, bila Shahmey datang duduk dengan Ummi, Ummi selalu usik "Shahmey nak bibik?" dan Shahmey akan grumble "Argghhhh!!!" sambil geleng kepala. Kalau Shahmey jauh sikit dari Ummi, mesti Shahmey akan lari dan peluk kaki Ummi supaya bibik tak dapat ambik. hehee..

Walau macam mana pun, Ummi sayangkan Shahmey macam Ummi sayangkan Kakak Sophea dan Kak Coan juga... Oh ya, Shahmey pun selalu panggil "kakak! kakak!". Ummi tak dengar lagi Shahmey panggil Kak Sophea dan Kak Coan. Susah agaknya nak sebut.

Kita tunggu apalah yang Shahmey akan buat lagi nanti kan... :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

He can pronounce a few words.. sometimes!

My hero,

it has been a while that Ummi left your blog unattended. Ummi was pretty busy lately and forgot that Ummi was supposed to write a bit of your progress in here.

Today, you are now 1 year 5 month plus. Up till today, you are able to:

1. Drink with a cup without much spilling.

2. Walk with your toes - you love to do that.

3. Eating while holding food like biscuits and potato fries.

4. Listen to familiar instructions - take napkins, books and even Abah's ash tray (ouchh!!)

5. Sepahkan barang!!! Grrrrrrr...

Also, some words that you managed to utter clearly (those that Ummi noticed) are:

1. Abah - not Ummi.. huhuuuu... sedihnya Ummi...

2. Kakak - no wonder.. you have 2 demanding kakak!!

3. Nak! - when you want something especially food and milk!

4. Air - yesterday you said the word

5. Nah - when you want Ummi to take the things that you gave Ummi

6. Ummi - but it is very rare.. very rare.. only when you cry and want Ummi to hold you..

7. Say bye-bye while waving at people. Sukanya dia babai orang..

8. Say 'ball' when you hold a ball - ni kes selalu sangat tengok buku Read Easy Kak Coan yang ada picture ball la..

Not much at the moment but you did talk a lot. Talking words that I can't even guess. Sometimes, you mimicking words. When Ummi taught you A B C or Aa Baa Taa, you could follow some words.

One thing I love about you the most is, you prefer Ummi than Abah. Well, of course you wanted to go to Abah when you Abah looks ready to go out... ;).

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hobi terbaru

Anak Ummi yang comel dan yang selalu buat Ummi geram ni dah ada hobi baru. Inilah dia hobi terbarunya :).

Gambar-gambar ini diambil pada 17 September 2008 - genap umur Shahmey 1 tahun 4 bulan.

Lepas ni Ummi tak yah pergi dapur lah kan Shahmey. Shahmey aje masak untuk Ummi.. tapi make sure masak sedap tau.. hehe...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shahmey dah sihat :)

Setiap ibu pasti selalu perlu berfikiran positif. Itulah yang Ummu Shahmey nak. Nak kan Shahmey sihat. Kalau Shahmey tak sihat, Ummi risau. Ummi risau sebab tak faham apa yang Shahmey nak. Shahmey mungkin tak selesa. Shahmey mungkin tersumbat hidung dan Ummi tak tahu sebab Ummi tak rasa. Kalau Shahmey sihat dan ceria, Ummi pun tenang dan gembira.

Minggu lepas, Shahmey selsema dan ada batuk-batuk sikit. Ummi bagi ubat yang ada dalam fridge - utk demam, cough dan flu. Selalunya Shahmey cepat sihat. Tapi kali ni tak. Batuk Shahmey bunyi lain macam. Banyak phlegm kat dada Shahmey. Ini buatkan Ummi risau. Walaupun Shahmey tak demam, phlegm tu bukanlah something yang menceriakan Ummi.

Ummi ajak Abah pergi jumpa doktor. Malam, lepas Isyak, kita pergi ke Al Lulu. Saja Ummi nak try clinic ni. Kita tak pernah pergi sebelum ni. Sempat sesat lah jugak. Maklumlah first time sampai. Sampai klinik, Abah bawak Shahmey jumpa paedetrician. Ummi pergi klinik untuk Ummi lah.. heheh.. gynae! Kakak ikut Ummi. Kak Coan ikut Abah.

Doctor kata, Shahmey kena bronchotic asthma. Samalah dengan penumonia bronchitis tu. Maknanya, sorang lagi anak Ummi dapat penyakit yang sama. Kakak dan Kak Coan memang pernah warded masa kecik-kecik dulu. Kat Malaysia, bila pergi KMC tu, cepat aje doctor nak warded orang hehe... sebab nak bagi cukup dose nebulizer. Kat sini tak pulak.

Shahmey kena ambik 3 kali nebulizer dose dalam masa 3 hari. Sehari sekali. Maknanya Abah dan Ummi kena bawak Shahmey lagi 2 hari lah ke Al Lulu ni. Abah kata, masa first dose tu, Shahmey meraung-raung. Hehee.. kakak-kakak awak dulu pun macam tu jugak. Siap kena balut dengan selimut lagi mereka tu hehe.. Dose kedua, Abah kata Shahmey tak nangis. Masa dose kedua, Ummi pergi jumpa doctor ENT pulak sebab Ummi pun tak sihat - selsema yang agak kronik. Walaupun tak nangis, Shahmey meronta-ronata mintak lepas. Memang lah. Ummi tahu mana lah selesa ada benda terpekup kat muka kan.

Dose ketiga ialah semalam. Ummi join sekali tengok. Memula tu Shahmey cool aje. Sangat bekerjasama. Tapi, dekat-dekat ubat nak habis tu, Shahmey mula dah meronta mintak lepas. Kesian Shahmey. Tapi untuk kebaikan Shahmey jugak. Sempat lagi Ummi ambik gambar Shahmey. Kalau Shahmey dah bijak nanti, boleh lah tengok balik gambar-gambar ni :).

Ummi harap Shahmey akan terus sembuh ya sayang...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Clever boy!

If its not his Ummi, who else gonna say my boy is clever? Perhaps no one. Or may be one or two hehehe.. Perhaps I don't really notice how my 2 girls grew up. They were may be like this too :).

At the age of 1 year and 3 months, Shahmey could do things by himself without help. Kind of creative I guess. He solved many problems himself, just by observing I guess. Below is one of the pictures to show his creativity. He saw a box on the cabinet. He went to the room, took the basket, turned it upside down and used the basket as a ladder to reach for the box. Bravo!! I was quite surprised actually. I knew his kakak2 never stepped on the basket since it's too fragile. Only his weight could go onto the basket. Perhaps he saw his kakak2 always used chairs to take things at higher place. So, basket is the answer for him! Kalau smart cam ni, mestilah anak Ummi hehee..

Coincidently, I was there and the camera was just beside me. I took the chance to snap this photo.

Below are pictures that I took yesterday. I was just started praying when I noticed him opened the drawer and stepped on it. I just saw him at first. Then I run to grab my camera. I snapped a few pictures. Hahaha!! He was reaching for the perfume bottle. Of course, I can't pray peacefully knowing that he would fall if left unattendedly. I called for Sophea and asked her to look for Shahmey. Pity him. He was crying out loud. He never like to stay with the sisters coz' they like to ignore him or worse case, bully him ;). I had to bear with it for a while since I needed to perform my prayer.

He came back after that. I guess the kakak2 can't stand his naughtiness (is there such word hehee) when he started to play with the tv remote. I just finished my prayer and was about to recite Quran. I asked Sophea to let him stay with me. He sit on my lap and started to flip through the pages. Adoii!!! How Ummi can recite the Quran my dear. And.... he tore 2 pages of it!

Shahmey.. Shahmey.. Nasib baik tak koyak semua. Anyway, one of the pages dah keromok dan koyak pun sometime back. Balik nanti, Ummi will have to purchase a new Quran lah kot... So, everytime Ummi looks at this Quran, Ummi will remember, you are the one who tore the pages hehehehhh...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gaya tidur paling cool ;)

Abah terdengar Shahmey merengek. Masa tu Shahmey memang dah tidur. Bila Abah masuk, tengok Shahmey tidur rupanya dan gaya Shahmey melasak atas katil Abah dan Ummi memang lucu. Sila lihat ye Shahmey gambar-gambar dibawah ni heheheh...

Cool kan! Tu gaya sujud ke, gaya merajuk ke, gaya apa agaknya ye? Shahmey jawab la.. mana Ummi tau hehehee..

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

a gimmick or reality?

Another updates from Ummi, my dear. Again, this afternoon, after Ummi finished performing Asar prayer, Shahmey came to sit on Ummi's lap. As usual Shahmey hugged Ummi. Then Ummi purposely recited Bismillahirrahmanirrahim loudly. Then Ummi recited a few versus from Suratul Yaasin.

Ummi ingat Shahmey tak perasan. You looked at me with a weird look. Then Shahmey looked at Ummi's hand, macam looking for something. Then Shahmey bangun, went to the drawer, opened it and picked something. Oh dear! Shahmey took the Kitab Yaasin and passed it to Ummi. Mengalir sekejap air mata Ummi sayang. Well.. macam familiar ya sayang the surah and the kitab. Ummi hope the surah will always close to your heart my dear.

Today, Ummi wanna share a few pictures with you. Actually, Ummi dah lama noticed benda ni. Cuma baru today Ummi terfikir nak snap the pictures. Let's have a look my sweetheart.

Mungkin Shahmey envy tengok Ummi asyik dengan laptop. You decided to 'godey' your laptop too. Of course, it's a toy but it has sounds that always made you excited. Yippee!! Shahmey suka sangat bila dapat tempat duduk and letak dimeja tu. Terus saja Shahmey duduk and main laptop, seolah-olah Ummi duduk di meja mengadap laptop lah tu..

Amboi!!! kusyuknya dia. Nak hantar email pada sapa tu? Perhaps, you're writing a blog? hehehee...

This picture dah lama Ummi ambil. Rasanya way before Shahmey pandai jalan. Let me check the date ya. Aha! 5 March 2008. Masa tu you're berapa bulan ya.. hmmm.. not even 10 months old! Shahmey dah tunjuk minat membaca. Memang lah Shahmey tak pandai baca lagi tapi bila dapat buku, Shahmey akan belek-belek buku tu. Ada jugak kadang-kadang terkoyak pages tapi tak selalu.

Ummi hope your interest ni will last forever. Jadilah anak cemerlang sayang Ummi Shahmey sayang. I love you my dear...

Monday, July 28, 2008

a few updates

Update 1

Yesterday evening, after performing my Maghrib prayer (I was still sitting on the prayer mat), Shahmey extended his hands towards me (hulur tangan), asking me to pick him up. When I extended my hands back, he quickly walked away. He went to the drawer, picked a book. Then he came to me. It was a Yaasin booklet! I guessed he wanted me to recite the suratul yaasin. Actually I always did that when I was pregnant with him. I was so touched when my 1 year and 2 months old boy did that. My tear dropped...

Update 2

He only uttered a word 'Ummi' when he cried, asking for milk or whenever he needs me. He cried 'Ummiiiii!!!'. Other than that, he never call for 'Ummi'. I hope to hear him saying 'Ummi' not only when he cries. Soon enough, I hope.

Update 3

Shahmey eats a lot now and poo a lot too hehehee... Alhamdulillah. I hope it is a positive progress. He still on breastfeeding though. He eats anything we gave him. Of course he's kind of choosy sometimes. He would taste the thing first. If he likes it, he would eat it. Otherwise, he 'bluekk' it heheee...

Update 4

He walks really fast now. He stumbled sometimes though when he off balance. He didn't cry unless I or Abang walked away from him.

Update 5

I guess Shahmey could sense we'll be having a new member in our family. He's pretty independent now. He plays alone sometimes especially when I had to take a nap.

Update 6

Climbing? He's good at it and that makes us very worried. We had to make sure the chairs were not closed to the tables or kitchen cabinet. Very dangerous because he likes to play with scissors. He had cut a few of his shirts so far. Luckily he didn't cut his hands!

I'll continue update his progess in future entry.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pity my little boy!

It was only 2 minutes that I left him with her sister, Sophea to go to the kitchen. Abah was about to sleep, in the room with them. Coan was playing by herself, also in the room. Sophea and Shahmey was playing at the corner of the bed.

As a sudden, I heard a loud cry from the room. It was Shahmey! I didn't expect anything bad as everybody was in the room. While I was in the kitchen, I hears Shahmey's voice was even louder. Abang came in the kitchen with him.

"Mata dia berdarah!"

I looked at Shahmey and almost cried looking at the blood on his face. I noticed quite a deep cut on his eyebrow. I asked Abang what happened but Abang kept saying "tak tahu la, budak-budak ni".

I went in to get Gamat ointment to put on Shahmey's wound. I saw the kids (Sophea and Coan) were sitting on the floor quietly. I knew they were scared to get scolded. They were so quiet. I only managed to tell them off. I took the Gamat ointment and cotton butt. I rushed to the kitchen, quickly applied the Gamat ointment on Shahmey's scar. I was so damn worried. I asked Abang whether we should bring him to get stitches but Abang said, didn't have to. The wound would attach soon.

Shahmey only cried for a while. After I put the ointment, he kept quiet. He was more like puzzled than pain looking at us touching his face. My brave boy - just like the meaning of his name - sacret, smart and brave!

We cleaned the blood on his face (actually it was caused by him - he rubbed the wound and blood was smeared all over his face). Abang put a plaster on the wound to avoid the wound from getting infected. But, this little Shahmey could sense the existence of an alient thing on his face. He tried to pull it away. Fail for the first few times but finally managed to pull if away. Up to 4 plasters, then we gave up. No more plaster because he would surely pull it away again.

At night, when he was about to sleep, I asked Abang to put the plaster back on. It was okay and it lasted until morning. I finally got to know Shahmey's head was knocked at the bed corner. The corner was not that sharp but really hard to cause a cut on a fragile object like Shahmey's skin.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I am 1 today :)

Shahmey on his birthday - picture taken at Gr@nd Continent@l Hotel, Kuantan

This costume is a gift from Atok (anyway, all other cucus also got it...)

I wanna cut the cake!!

This is my Atok!

Ummi bought this big cake especially for me!

This is my cake! Why my kakak-kakak were so busy body??

Well, its 17 May 2008 and it means I am 1 year old today. I think, I progress a lot - at least to my ummi's attention. There may be some progress that Ummi and Abah don't know. They will be my secret hehehe...

Let me list all my progress so far:

  1. I can walk! Though I did stumble after a few steps, I am much better than Kakak and Kak Coan. I guess that something to be proud of (to me at least)

  2. I could utter a few words like Babah (Abah), Kakak but not Ummi... poor my lovely Ummi... I'll learn the word slowly. Don't worry my dear Ummi... though I can't utter the word 'ummi' yet, you're always in my heart (anyway, you're my food supply hehehee...)

  3. Needless to say, I can climb now. Of course, that makes my Ummi very worried because, I can easily fall down when I couldn't balance my body. Again, pity dear Ummi... she had to run here and there to make sure I was okay.

  4. I can make faces. All pretty girls out there, beware when I'm around. When I blink my eyes, it doesn't mean I'm giving a hint okay ;)

  5. The straw! How wonderful to drink using a straw. Ask my Ummi and I don't think all my kakak knew how to use straw when they were at my age. But, be careful because if I don't like the taste of the drink, I'd definitely spill it out.

  6. The phone. Though no one can understand me, I can use the phone (put it on my ear) and pretend I was talking to people. You can see my Ummi and Abah excited faces when I did that.. hahahah!!!

  7. If the bed or chair was too high for me to go down, I would hold on people's hand (usually, it'll be my Ummi or Abah) and crawled down.

  8. I love fries (especially McD's). I like rice with chicken soup too.. yummy!!

  9. Never play fool with me. If I want something and you try to take it away from me, I would grumble and scream out loud, real loud...

  10. Somehow, Ummi could notice that I like books. I like to flip through all kind of books though I can't read them yet. So far, I did tear a few of kakak-kakak books.. hehee..

  11. Memunggah is my specialty. I think that's because I was curious to know why people arrange things so nicely. What will happen if I ransack them??? hehehe...

  12. I'm sure there are more but Ummi can't remember them all now... Let Ummi add to it later...

Enjoy looking at the pictures that were taken by my lovely Ummi, on my birthday. By the way, the birthday celebration was in Atok and Opah's residence in Bukit Kuang, Kemaman, Terengganu... Thanks Opah for preparing Sate, Nasi Impit and Nasi Kerabu. Shahmey wasn't able to eat them all since Shahmey was so sleepy... Shahmey slept early that day... hehehe..

Sunday, April 13, 2008

He wants Ummi to call Abah!

Our home phone is put on a side table besides our bed. Whenever I put Shahmey on the bed, he would surely crawl to the phone, pick it up and give it to me. He got angry if I didn't take the receiver. So, I had to pretend, I'm calling someone. He would smile when I talked to the phone. I guess, he wanted me to call his Abah because I always used to home phone to call Abang.. hehehe.. smart guy!

he's not scared at all!

He's dialing some numbers hehee...

All pictures were taken on 30 March 2008 - He was about 10 1/2 months!

He loves ransacking papers ;)

Look at what he's doing. I caught him ransacking stuff in the drawer one day. Ouch!! I just let him wander with those papers.

Hello boy!! what you think you're doing huh??

Do you find anything interesting Shahmey?

Note: all pictures were taken on 10 March 2008 - he was nearly 10 months old.

Ummi, I wanna go to Yale!

He's reading - the book is upside down though heheheee...

The pictures were taken on 5 March 2008 - he was about 9 1/2 months old

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Oh dear!

Like all sisters, Shahmey also wanna see whom he resembles with. He's still small. His face very much looks more like a lady than a man. Luckily, there are also men in there.. heheheee..

We'll do this again in 5 years time okay dear.. ;)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Shahmey look alike

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Free genealogy - Family photo sharing

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tepuk Amai amai hehehee...

Shahmey was playing besides me while I was writing an entry in my blog yerterday night. Suddenly, I heard a clapping sounds. It can't be the sisters since they were outside watching tv.

I turned to my left and saw him clapping. Then I realized, I sang 'Tepuk Amai Amai' song to preoccupy and prevent him from disturbing me before (I sang the song unconciously - subliminal form). I supposed, when he listened to the song, he automatically clapping his hands since I always clapped my hands when I sang the song to him.

I took my camera and slowly captured his action. The first picture was taken while I was sitting on the chair and the 2nd one, I took when I sit down with him. When he saw the camera, definitely his mood to clap has changed to mood to grab the camera hehehee...

He just turned 10 months 3 days ago. I think he imitates fast enough. Entahlah.. May be it's just me who exaggerating my son's progress. Anyway, I love you my love :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

climb and climb again!

What was Shahmey doing when Ummi was busy surfing the internet? Shahmey crawled, stood up and climbed Abah's printer!!

Don't worry, the printer was never turned on. It'll be on only when Abah needs to print something. Ummi? Ummi would ask Abah to print for her if Ummi needs to since the printer took like forever to heat up. Ummi would never want to waste time waiting. Ummi would rather blog hop than waiting for the printer hehehehhh... It was a 3 in 1 actually (printer, photocopy and scanner). A cheap one though :)

We haven't bought a computer table yet. So, the printer laid there on its own box (should remind Abah to buy a computer table huh!). Another reason that we really need a computer table is, When Shahmey has managed to sit on the top of the printer (wahhh!! abah sure marah ni, nanti pecah glass dia..), he would use the printer as a ladder to climb the side table besides the printer.

Noooooo... he was not interested with the table!! He was more interested with our home telephone on the table. For him, it's a toy that people use to talk. What a smart small guy hehehee...

Monday, March 3, 2008

He stand by himself

It's 3rd March 2008 and for the first time, Shahmey was able to stand by himself. Heheheee... well this blog is about his progress. So, whatever development of Shahmey, I will update here.

Sophea was the first person who noticed about it - this morning, while waiting for the school bus. She held Shahmey and put him down. When she let him free, Shahmey still stood up straight, longer than usual. Normally, he would only stand for 1 second and then fell down. But today, it was about 5 seconds and more then only he chose to sit and not fell down. He was able to control himself better.

I can't remember when Sophea and Coan were able to stand but I think not as soon as Shahmey. Shahmey is only 9 1/2 months now. Well, I know many kids are able to walk at the age of 9 months. My kids are not like that. Sophea started to walk at the age of 1 year while Coan at 1 year and 1 week. Shahmey? I don't know yet. We'll see his progress soon :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

the teeth!

Shahmey has got all his 5 teeth (3 up and 2 down) when he was 8 1/2 months. I think, another one is coming out (besides the upper 3). I took a picture of him and his Kak Coan when Kak Coan was hopitalized but only today that I noticed something funny.

Look at that! Shahmey's upper teeth can replace Kak Coan's missing teeth! Heheeeee... If Shahmey could say something, I'm sure he would say,

"You want my teeth huh? In your dream!!"


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hari hari yang tak best...

Alhamdulillah, Shahmey is in tip top condition now though sometimes he still coughing. Since we've got cough syrup at home, I can easily feed him the medicine whenever he cough. He is okay when it comes to medicine (unlike his 2nd sister - Coan). He sipped the syrup without a problem at all.

Two weeks back was his gloomy days. Gloomy to me too since I have to take care of him and not being able to do housechores properly. He had fever, flu and cough. His running nose sometimes made it difficult for him to breath well. He was annoyed with that fact especially during feeding time.

When he was not well, he didn't sleep well too. He cried a lot. When he slept, he easily woke up. He could sense when I was far from him. So, I had to sleep with him and hugged him all the time. How to do housechores like that? Heheee..

Here are some pictures of him when he was not well. The eyes really showed the unhappy face. Pity my boy... Anyway, you're still comel (cute) to me. I love you...