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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pity my little boy!

It was only 2 minutes that I left him with her sister, Sophea to go to the kitchen. Abah was about to sleep, in the room with them. Coan was playing by herself, also in the room. Sophea and Shahmey was playing at the corner of the bed.

As a sudden, I heard a loud cry from the room. It was Shahmey! I didn't expect anything bad as everybody was in the room. While I was in the kitchen, I hears Shahmey's voice was even louder. Abang came in the kitchen with him.

"Mata dia berdarah!"

I looked at Shahmey and almost cried looking at the blood on his face. I noticed quite a deep cut on his eyebrow. I asked Abang what happened but Abang kept saying "tak tahu la, budak-budak ni".

I went in to get Gamat ointment to put on Shahmey's wound. I saw the kids (Sophea and Coan) were sitting on the floor quietly. I knew they were scared to get scolded. They were so quiet. I only managed to tell them off. I took the Gamat ointment and cotton butt. I rushed to the kitchen, quickly applied the Gamat ointment on Shahmey's scar. I was so damn worried. I asked Abang whether we should bring him to get stitches but Abang said, didn't have to. The wound would attach soon.

Shahmey only cried for a while. After I put the ointment, he kept quiet. He was more like puzzled than pain looking at us touching his face. My brave boy - just like the meaning of his name - sacret, smart and brave!

We cleaned the blood on his face (actually it was caused by him - he rubbed the wound and blood was smeared all over his face). Abang put a plaster on the wound to avoid the wound from getting infected. But, this little Shahmey could sense the existence of an alient thing on his face. He tried to pull it away. Fail for the first few times but finally managed to pull if away. Up to 4 plasters, then we gave up. No more plaster because he would surely pull it away again.

At night, when he was about to sleep, I asked Abang to put the plaster back on. It was okay and it lasted until morning. I finally got to know Shahmey's head was knocked at the bed corner. The corner was not that sharp but really hard to cause a cut on a fragile object like Shahmey's skin.

1 appreciated views:

Anonymous said...

siannyerrr.. dlm lubang luka teww