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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

a gimmick or reality?

Another updates from Ummi, my dear. Again, this afternoon, after Ummi finished performing Asar prayer, Shahmey came to sit on Ummi's lap. As usual Shahmey hugged Ummi. Then Ummi purposely recited Bismillahirrahmanirrahim loudly. Then Ummi recited a few versus from Suratul Yaasin.

Ummi ingat Shahmey tak perasan. You looked at me with a weird look. Then Shahmey looked at Ummi's hand, macam looking for something. Then Shahmey bangun, went to the drawer, opened it and picked something. Oh dear! Shahmey took the Kitab Yaasin and passed it to Ummi. Mengalir sekejap air mata Ummi sayang. Well.. macam familiar ya sayang the surah and the kitab. Ummi hope the surah will always close to your heart my dear.

Today, Ummi wanna share a few pictures with you. Actually, Ummi dah lama noticed benda ni. Cuma baru today Ummi terfikir nak snap the pictures. Let's have a look my sweetheart.

Mungkin Shahmey envy tengok Ummi asyik dengan laptop. You decided to 'godey' your laptop too. Of course, it's a toy but it has sounds that always made you excited. Yippee!! Shahmey suka sangat bila dapat tempat duduk and letak dimeja tu. Terus saja Shahmey duduk and main laptop, seolah-olah Ummi duduk di meja mengadap laptop lah tu..

Amboi!!! kusyuknya dia. Nak hantar email pada sapa tu? Perhaps, you're writing a blog? hehehee...

This picture dah lama Ummi ambil. Rasanya way before Shahmey pandai jalan. Let me check the date ya. Aha! 5 March 2008. Masa tu you're berapa bulan ya.. hmmm.. not even 10 months old! Shahmey dah tunjuk minat membaca. Memang lah Shahmey tak pandai baca lagi tapi bila dapat buku, Shahmey akan belek-belek buku tu. Ada jugak kadang-kadang terkoyak pages tapi tak selalu.

Ummi hope your interest ni will last forever. Jadilah anak cemerlang sayang Ummi Shahmey sayang. I love you my dear...

2 appreciated views:

Zahraa George said...

wah,ada tokoh la si shahmey nih nak ganti ummi dia berblogging..hehe..

shahmey dah ada laptop seniri,toksah dah nak berebut ngan ummi dia :P

Neeza Shahril said...


silap2 nanti, blog ummi pun dia yg kena update..
berebut lagi sebab button keypad ummi boleh cabut2, dia punya takleh hehehehh..