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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hobi terbaru

Anak Ummi yang comel dan yang selalu buat Ummi geram ni dah ada hobi baru. Inilah dia hobi terbarunya :).

Gambar-gambar ini diambil pada 17 September 2008 - genap umur Shahmey 1 tahun 4 bulan.

Lepas ni Ummi tak yah pergi dapur lah kan Shahmey. Shahmey aje masak untuk Ummi.. tapi make sure masak sedap tau.. hehe...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shahmey dah sihat :)

Setiap ibu pasti selalu perlu berfikiran positif. Itulah yang Ummu Shahmey nak. Nak kan Shahmey sihat. Kalau Shahmey tak sihat, Ummi risau. Ummi risau sebab tak faham apa yang Shahmey nak. Shahmey mungkin tak selesa. Shahmey mungkin tersumbat hidung dan Ummi tak tahu sebab Ummi tak rasa. Kalau Shahmey sihat dan ceria, Ummi pun tenang dan gembira.

Minggu lepas, Shahmey selsema dan ada batuk-batuk sikit. Ummi bagi ubat yang ada dalam fridge - utk demam, cough dan flu. Selalunya Shahmey cepat sihat. Tapi kali ni tak. Batuk Shahmey bunyi lain macam. Banyak phlegm kat dada Shahmey. Ini buatkan Ummi risau. Walaupun Shahmey tak demam, phlegm tu bukanlah something yang menceriakan Ummi.

Ummi ajak Abah pergi jumpa doktor. Malam, lepas Isyak, kita pergi ke Al Lulu. Saja Ummi nak try clinic ni. Kita tak pernah pergi sebelum ni. Sempat sesat lah jugak. Maklumlah first time sampai. Sampai klinik, Abah bawak Shahmey jumpa paedetrician. Ummi pergi klinik untuk Ummi lah.. heheh.. gynae! Kakak ikut Ummi. Kak Coan ikut Abah.

Doctor kata, Shahmey kena bronchotic asthma. Samalah dengan penumonia bronchitis tu. Maknanya, sorang lagi anak Ummi dapat penyakit yang sama. Kakak dan Kak Coan memang pernah warded masa kecik-kecik dulu. Kat Malaysia, bila pergi KMC tu, cepat aje doctor nak warded orang hehe... sebab nak bagi cukup dose nebulizer. Kat sini tak pulak.

Shahmey kena ambik 3 kali nebulizer dose dalam masa 3 hari. Sehari sekali. Maknanya Abah dan Ummi kena bawak Shahmey lagi 2 hari lah ke Al Lulu ni. Abah kata, masa first dose tu, Shahmey meraung-raung. Hehee.. kakak-kakak awak dulu pun macam tu jugak. Siap kena balut dengan selimut lagi mereka tu hehe.. Dose kedua, Abah kata Shahmey tak nangis. Masa dose kedua, Ummi pergi jumpa doctor ENT pulak sebab Ummi pun tak sihat - selsema yang agak kronik. Walaupun tak nangis, Shahmey meronta-ronata mintak lepas. Memang lah. Ummi tahu mana lah selesa ada benda terpekup kat muka kan.

Dose ketiga ialah semalam. Ummi join sekali tengok. Memula tu Shahmey cool aje. Sangat bekerjasama. Tapi, dekat-dekat ubat nak habis tu, Shahmey mula dah meronta mintak lepas. Kesian Shahmey. Tapi untuk kebaikan Shahmey jugak. Sempat lagi Ummi ambik gambar Shahmey. Kalau Shahmey dah bijak nanti, boleh lah tengok balik gambar-gambar ni :).

Ummi harap Shahmey akan terus sembuh ya sayang...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Clever boy!

If its not his Ummi, who else gonna say my boy is clever? Perhaps no one. Or may be one or two hehehe.. Perhaps I don't really notice how my 2 girls grew up. They were may be like this too :).

At the age of 1 year and 3 months, Shahmey could do things by himself without help. Kind of creative I guess. He solved many problems himself, just by observing I guess. Below is one of the pictures to show his creativity. He saw a box on the cabinet. He went to the room, took the basket, turned it upside down and used the basket as a ladder to reach for the box. Bravo!! I was quite surprised actually. I knew his kakak2 never stepped on the basket since it's too fragile. Only his weight could go onto the basket. Perhaps he saw his kakak2 always used chairs to take things at higher place. So, basket is the answer for him! Kalau smart cam ni, mestilah anak Ummi hehee..

Coincidently, I was there and the camera was just beside me. I took the chance to snap this photo.

Below are pictures that I took yesterday. I was just started praying when I noticed him opened the drawer and stepped on it. I just saw him at first. Then I run to grab my camera. I snapped a few pictures. Hahaha!! He was reaching for the perfume bottle. Of course, I can't pray peacefully knowing that he would fall if left unattendedly. I called for Sophea and asked her to look for Shahmey. Pity him. He was crying out loud. He never like to stay with the sisters coz' they like to ignore him or worse case, bully him ;). I had to bear with it for a while since I needed to perform my prayer.

He came back after that. I guess the kakak2 can't stand his naughtiness (is there such word hehee) when he started to play with the tv remote. I just finished my prayer and was about to recite Quran. I asked Sophea to let him stay with me. He sit on my lap and started to flip through the pages. Adoii!!! How Ummi can recite the Quran my dear. And.... he tore 2 pages of it!

Shahmey.. Shahmey.. Nasib baik tak koyak semua. Anyway, one of the pages dah keromok dan koyak pun sometime back. Balik nanti, Ummi will have to purchase a new Quran lah kot... So, everytime Ummi looks at this Quran, Ummi will remember, you are the one who tore the pages hehehehhh...